Hello readers,😊
"Have ever wonder how much you have grown since you were a child or how does a small plant turn out into such a tall tree providing you with shade???"
Well basically you would say "that's easy... the answer is by cell division or growth"
You are not wrong! Getting into the intricacy of these biological processes, scientists have found out that the time for cell division could actually be measured through experiments. This hence brings about another branch of Biology that is Biometry, 'bio' meaning life, and 'metry' meaning measurement.
Biometry involves the study of phenomena and issues in the biological sciences using statistics, mathematics, computer, and other quantitative tools.🔬
Because it requires several measurements and calculations, Biostatistics is also known as biometrics. Statistical tools are used to tackle biological issues in biostatistics. A basic grasp of biostatistics is required for the study of biology, especially when conducting biological research.
Many parts of scientific investigations are covered by statistics, including planning and researching the design and measurement components of investigations, conducting investigations and collecting numerical data, summarizing the data gathered, and drawing conclusions from the data.
Below is a small video to help have a better understanding of biostatistics.
Here are some of the importance of Biometry.
- Biometry plays an important role in the public health environment, letting scientists assist patient-care choices, better concentrate medical research, and give meaning to all the statistical research.
- It assists in the design of clinical trials, the evaluation of public health initiatives, the measurement of therapeutic efficacy, and the development of evidence-based healthcare.
- A basic grasp of biostatistics is required for the study of biology, especially when conducting biological research. The statistics will assist the biologist in:
(1) comprehending the nature of variability and
(2) deducing general rules from small samples.
- Biometry is extremely important in plant breeding since statistical analysis only allows to draw conclusions about a population of plants, such as (a) how the character obtained by the population is dispersed, how the character is inherited, and so on.
As deeper as you will look into biometry the more interesting it becomes. There is surely much more than to what I have written.I hope that I have given you a clear and simple approach to this topic and hope that you may find interest in it as well.😊